personal stuff.

face reveal haha
- me.

hai, i am aadi. i was born on the 1st of jan 2008 (cool birthday, im aware).
today is the 26th of april, 2023 and i decided to have my own /personal page :P

# quick update yes (2024-02-17)

hi so i currently have a rss(atom.xml) feed, here.

ill be making a blog post on my study mechanism soon which ill share whenever my irl friends ask me for tips and tricks that should be cool yesyes

ok bye stay safe yall

# 7th feb (2024-02-07)

yes so i changed up the entire theme of the website (thanks ayush c: )

oh yeha i also have a public gpg up: public.gpg

i think it looks good and i implemented mobile support too yep anyways uh ok

oh yeah i have also somehow reached 1k viewers - that makes me happy


so therefore i shall now also put up a buymeacoffee and a XMR yes ok

yes ok bye stay safe yall

# 31st dec (2023-12-31)

hi all its the 31st of dec and its liek 11:57 rn and i wish everyone a happy new year and like hope everyone gets to end up doing their goals and all

have a safe and nice year

baii c:

# the 28th of decemeber i think (2023-12-28)

hi all

idk why i havent updated in so so long but i guess its only fair if i do so now

a lot has changed -- i shifted the site from github pages to my own rpi0w. now if the site is down i suppose its due to fault on my end but o welp im not sure why i did that but yeah was a fun experience

i made a file server for myself using filebrowser its really neat and minimal and cool and works somewhat perfectly(?) on the rpi.

i had family visiting and was somewhat occupied and all i guess.

oh yeah i have also started using this cool ncurses program for spotify called ncspot

ncspot ss ncspot ss ncspot ss

i really love it -- i did try spotify-tui, another popular name in the spotify cli userspace but uh it was really slow for me and i couldnt figure out why so i gave up on it :/

studies havent been going well unfortunately im afraid, im like totally not meeting the expectations i have of myself but uh yeah im trying to become better

anyways a very merry christmas to everyone (even though im like 3 days late) and i hope you all have a goood year the upcoming year. thansks a lot for reading all this and cyall bye :)

( PS follow my spotify @ /spotify c: )

# hi it's november 5 (2023-11-05)

the year is almost over like that is so unbelievable like just how quickly can year pass by, but then again it wasnt not really quick, rather it was somewhat trying. i have no idea as to what i am trying to say here, but yeah id describe the year going by as a rollercoaster i suppose, few parts went by quick but then again few parts went as slow as a turtle

currently there are just 56 days for the year to end and like just yeah

anyways a quick update like not really but yes im doing more or less decent, and i uh recently took a break from studies and such and went to this other city and it was somewhat fun id say, though i did try my best to study there like but it wasnt up to standards like yeah ive noticed on a couple of days its like i am stuck in this room in one corner on the desk studying and sleeping and wasting time and stuff like its getting stale? stagnant? idk really but yes

oh yeah recently this friend of mine from coaching challenged me in a test and i ended up winning so now he owes me a pizza i do not know if i have already mentioned this on the site but yes it happened quite recently so idk

um also yes like recently nta delted a bunch of the jee-mains syllabus so i expect the competition for it to increase even more this year and on 2025 aa so yes most people are happy that they removed allat but i suppose they should look at it from a diff viewpoint

i think this is the first time ive written as much as this on the site/personal thingy but yeah i kinda feel bad tbh like i dont think i actually behave as myself in my posts and that really defeats the entire point of this website i'll try to improve that now onwards

class 11 has pretty much ended and thats so weird to think about cuz it wasnt even that long ago when it started and like yeah i havent even been to school much like pretty much go for like 1 or 2 days and that kinda makes me feel somewhat detached from school which is weird i suppose i do not know

anyways yes bye also so much so for but hopefully one day when im successful and all ill be able to sell my autographs from there and like make a buck ton of money that would be cool yesyes

ok yes bye stay safe :)

# 1st of september (2023-09-01)

i dont really know how much of this is true, but this is absolutely amazing.

image cloudflare analytics

i cant believe that like over 700 ppl have visited my site (once again, pretty sure it isnt completely true id estimate that around 10 humans have) but yes i never really expected to have someone read through the site and thats pretty cool yesyes

ok bai

oh and i should thank everyone who has

# 29th aug (2023-08-29)

hello yes i have made obsidian look prettier and i yes its so good looking waaooowwww image

ive been rather bored as of late but o welp

also my half-yearlys are going on aha and yeah thats pretty much it.

ive also made it so that my obsidian thing magicky gets backed up on git and thats pretty cool i guess and i can also use the git repo to make it accessible via obsidian mobile i guess lets see.

oh speaking about phones, i have pretty much cut off social media and stuff so thats good and all yesyes

im also using a habit tracker to take care of myself!1! idk yes okok bye :)

# 23-07-23 (2023-07-23)

ee idk what i should use as a title so i shall just have it as the date for now.

i havent really been using my computer a whole lot in a while, i dont really have much to do nowadays on it anyways.

though, recently i have been falling down the rabbit hole of 90s styled stuff, i found an old handycam and ive been trying to make it work properly - it even records on a tape and all and its all very fascinating to me. i also started using this old camera i found which really makes me appreciate the beauty of stuff from the 1990s and 2000s. now almost everything is doable from a slim boring flashy phone.

ive also been experimenting w/ the chicago95 xfce theme - it really is a work of art like idk something ab things from that period of time just feels right, even though i wasnt even alive back then.

im planning to try to make this really old boxkinda computer we have packed up tmrw or sum lets see i shall make a post here accordingly idk.

anyways okay bye :))

# june 23 (2023-07-09)

june went by pretty fast and so has this third of july but yes anyways.

not that anyone cares but i did not post a whole lot of stuff in june - i was busy most of the time.

i had my summer vacation for like three weeks and yea i studied pretty much the entire time aha - its fun for me tho.

i made a couple of new friends irl and found out one of ems actually nice and ye

ive also been playing throwball a lot and not to toot my own horn but i am actually pretty insane at throwball :)))

im planning to write a blog post on something a teacher once told me about personalities and originality which ended up being pretty deep once i realised the significance of her words.

as for july, i am planning to like uh do good yesyes

oka beyebeyebeye

# may summary. (2023-05-28)

the months not over yet but might as well sum up what i did this month.

i uh made two utility scripts - without just skidding off of other people.

  • -- a command line utility that helps users mount new ext4 drives.
  • -- a simple note making cli tool.

idk why but i am somewhat proud of myself for making them anyways yes.

i also uh studied quite a bit, got put into a coaching institute like one week ago and so far its going pretty well - i do have a lot to catch up on tho.

i also had exams this week - was pretty decent and uh yeah my summer vacations about to start, 22 days of not going to school. {i dont get a vacation from coaching :')} schools fun tho so eh.

one thing w all that tho is that i am not able to study by myself at home like i used to, kind of a bummer cuz that was probably the only time i studied properly but ye ill fix something up okok

next month, i am hoping to uh get physically active more- idk my current bmi is 22.7 and thats kinda decent and also uh learn how to drive idk ok bye