personal stuff.

face reveal haha
- me.

hai, i am aadi. i was born on the 1st of jan 2008 (cool birthday, im aware).
today is the 26th of april, 2023 and i decided to have my own /personal page :P

# why to take a break. (2023-05-06)

okay so to concentrate on important things, you sometimes have to let go of other things, that may not seem as significant as the important thing.

its really important to manage your time properly and accordingly give specific amounts of time for one task.

quitting a game like minecraft is really hard, as you sometimes develop somewhat of a connection w the people you play with or even the game itself. even though it sometimes gets repetitive, it really is fun to play.

i have quit minecraft for a bit a couple of times and everytime i return to it, the feeling is exhilarating. i have fun doing the same old thing again and remembering certain events and that makes it all the more enjoyable to me.

but, doing the same thing over and over again gets really boring and you just play for the sake of it, not just cuz ure having fun. you just spend hours and hours grinding for stats that dont even matter much.

im not saying that the game sucks, or is dead, but that to truly enjoy yourself you have to sometimes take a step back, and just stop playing. instead, focus on other things, till you start craving for the game once again. only then it is possible to truly enjoy the beauty of a game like minecraft.

ok bai.

# new may's resolution. (2023-04-30)

tomorrow's a new month and yeah i intend on trying to fix my life up.

i just got into class 11 - and as a science student, the next two years are going to be very important in my life.

india's education system is really messed up, in my opinion, but i'll rant more on that later.

# idk. (2023-04-26)

idk what im going to be talking about here- im planning to be a journal of sorts- but yeah lets see.

hopefully i wont accidentally dox myself.